What Is Dental Malpractice?

Is the term “dental malpractice” new to you? It may sound like legal jargon, but if you have suffered injuries as a result of a dental procedure, you may be a victim of it. Dental malpractice is part of the larger legal issue of medical malpractice, which can be defined as improper behavior or negligence by a medical professional that results in harm or injury to a patient. Dentists are trained professionals who are expected to uphold a standard of care, which means you have a right to sue them if they treat you improperly.
This definition of dental malpractice may sound straightforward, but there are a few things you must keep in mind before you decide to sue your dentist. To win a dental malpractice case, there are a few things you need to prove in a court of law. First, you must prove that you were your dentist’s patient and they owed you a duty of care. Then, you must prove that your dentist failed to do what most trained dentists would have done in the same scenario. This part may require the testimony of dental experts.
It’s possible that your dentist breached the standard of care, but is not responsible for the injuries you suffered. For this reason, you must also show that your dentist’s actions caused your injuries or damages. You must show the physical, mental, or economic damages you experienced as a direct result of your dentist’s actions. Once you have proved this, you have a chance of winning the malpractice case.
For more dental malpractice information, be sure to visit Dentalmal.com, the official website of record-breaking dental malpractice attorney Dane Levy and the Levy Law Firm.