“Perfectness” From Create Abundance by Zhang Xinyue

Lessons from Create Abundance by Zhang Xinyue
Create Abundance by Zhang Xinyue is a collection of teachings and words of wisdom for mind-body-spirit cultivation.
In her book of teachings, Zhang Xinyue says that nothing external can make your life perfect. Not things or people or even successes. You are perfect as you are. You are a unique human being with a perfect life. Looking within is how you will find perfectness.
Everyone is different and marriage or other people’s love cannot make our life perfect. Perfectness is in the way you love. It is in the way you find happiness. It is your perfectness that cannot be ascribed to anyone else. Each of us is perfect in our own right.
The lesson here is that no one can make another life perfect. If you seek others to make you happy through attention and love, you will be disappointed. It is not anyone else’s job to make your life perfect. You need to accept that you make your perfectness. Your love and happiness in yourself are perfect.
Seeking perfectness through others will always let you down. You need to trust and believe in yourself. Life can never be perfect; it will always allude to you if you try to capture it through others. The only perfection in life is your love and happiness. When you accept this, you create an abundance of love and happiness.
Zhang Xinyue, author of Create Abundance, wrote this book in 2012. It is highly successful and has been translated from Chinese into many languages. The premise of the book Create Abundance by Zhang Xinyue is to promote, give meaning, and find a functional approach to the philosophical issues of life.